Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413


Join Me in a Special Birthday Celebration Dear Friend of the Clinic, For my birthday, I'm putting together a special Earth Day celebration to honor our Clinic team and surrounding communities. My birthday happens to fall on Earth Day, April 22. I can think of no better present than the opportunity to share with you what is happening...

The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic just earned a 2019 Gold Seal by adding information to our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar. Now our community members as well as 10+ million GuideStar users can find in-depth information about our goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. We’re shining a spotlight on the difference we help make in the world. Plus, we’ve provided fresh...

Querido Amigo de la Clínica, EL 2018 fue un año difícil para Nicaragua. A pesar de la actual crisis económica, estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro equipo y de sus esfuerzos durante estos tiempos difíciles. ¡Su actitud positiva y su entusiasmo por dar siempre lo mejor en todas las circunstancias son inspiradores! Estamos seguros de que el 2019...

Dear Friend of the Clinic, 2018 was a challenging year for Nicaragua. Despite the ongoing economic crisis, we are extremely proud of our team and its efforts during these difficult times. Its positive attitude and eagerness to always give its best under all circumstances are inspiring! We are confident 2019 will be an impactful year. We started...

Querido amigo de la clínica, Esta temporada de vacaciones, permítame llevarlo un momento en un viaje especial a un empobrecido pueblo tropical en el suroeste de Nicaragua en la costa del Pacífico. Este es un lugar en una región que merece atención, donde cualquier inversión positiva de tiempo, dinero y atención tiene un impacto notablemente positivo. Le...

Dear Friend of the Clinic, This holiday season, allow me a few moments to take you on a special journey to an impoverished tropical village in southwestern Nicaragua on the Pacific coast.  This is a place in a region that deserves great attention, where any positive investment of time, money and attention has a remarkably positive impact. I'm...