Our US Office
105 West Monument Street
Baltimore, Maryland
1 kilometro antes de Limon 1
Carratera Tola-Salinas,
Nicaragua: 011-505-8887-7413

Author: Julia Guth

Dear Friend of the Clinic, This holiday season, allow me a few moments to take you on a special journey to an impoverished tropical village in southwestern Nicaragua on the Pacific coast.  This is a place in a region that deserves great attention, where any positive investment of time, money and attention has a remarkably positive impact. I'm...

Dear Friend of Nicaragua, It's been a frustratingly sad year for my friends, colleagues and our community in Nicaragua. But also inspiring in that everyone is trying their best to see it through with a positive attitude. This, despite that so many lost their jobs when Nicaragua's economically vital tourism industry was decimated by political unrest. While...

Querido Amigo de la Clínica, En la Clínica, estamos haciendo todo lo posible para mantener empleado a nuestro personal. (Así como nuestros amigos en el cercano Rancho Santana, un maravilloso complejo costero). Juntos estamos dedicados a apoyar a esta región en tiempos difíciles, tal como lo hicimos el otoño pasado durante las devastadoras inundaciones. Nos comprometemos a...

Dear Friend of the Clinic, At the Clinic, we are doing everything we can to keep our staff employed. (So are our friends at nearby Rancho Santana, a wonderful coastal resort.) Together we are dedicated to supporting this region in dire times, just as we did last fall during the devastating floods. We are committed to working...

Dear Friend of the Clinic, We love to support other nonprofits in the area, particularly during these times of crisis in Nicaragua. Recently, some of the donations received by the Clinic were shared with “Los Pipitos,” a local nonprofit organization founded by parents whose children have disabilities. We shared a lovely moment with disabled children of Rivas...