I just wanted to thank the clinic for the wonderful experience we had in Nicaragua. We really did gain more than we ever expected from this experience! I am glad that my father and I did not go with a church group or an organization/school. I feel because it was only the two of us we had a more personal experience with the staff and the locals. I feel I really got to know everyone and we were welcomed like family. Saying goodbye at Martina’s house was like saying goodbye to our family in Puerto Rico. All of us were so sad and with tears!
I feel this experience was a once in a lifetime experience for me and for my father. I am so glad that we volunteered at the Roberto Clemente Clinic. We are not the like the “typical” volunteers that we meet like college students or others. We were fortunate to have friends and family donate for this trip and that is how we were able to purchase the plane tickets. Although my father and I volunteered in the physical form, our friends and families’ donations were what made this possible.
I have thanked them all and I promised them that I would let you and the clinic know that although they could not all be there physically, they helped us get there and they also support your clinic.
A quick Hurray for Marvin: he deserves a medal for how hard that man was working at Martina’s project WOW!! WOW!! WOW!
Patsy Buchell