Together We Can Make a Positive Difference in This Community!
Thank you!! You will soon receive important news and invitations from the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic in Limon, Nicaragua.
We welcome you to our wonderful community of supporters who care about improving the health and education of families in this impoverished, but beautiful region of Central America.
Feel free to visit our website and get involve in two programs that we have for you:
One is the Volunteer Program: you can donate your time and money to our clinic. When you volunteer abroad it’s not just the people in need who benefit. Volunteer workers enjoy powerful feelings of purpose and a strong sense of accomplishment.
The other is Programa El Padrino: where you can sponsor a child for his/her education health and food. We are trying to bring people together through one-on-one connections. The resulting friendships turn human compassion into real world solutions, giving supporters like you a glimpse into the joy your gifts make possible.
And Do Not Forget To:
Best Regards,
Board Chair
105 W Monument Street
Baltimore MD 21201