Dear Friend of the Clinic,
Happy June! We hope that this update finds you well and enjoying good health during these challenging times.
It seems that summer is just around the corner for us here in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. The rainy season in Nicaragua has just begun, but the coast here is still gorgeous. As always, we are thrilled to share news from the Clinic with our supporters. We want to show our appreciation for the profound impact your support has on our organization and, more vitally, the people we serve.
We’re working closely with all of our partners not only to help protect the community, but also to support the members of our community in improving their lives in many different ways.
And speaking of profound impact, let’s bring some uplifting news to your world. Let’s focus on a very positive topic – our powerful partnerships with other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
For many years now, we’ve received support from many local and international foundations that share our same goal: improving the health and education of families in this impoverished but beautiful region of Central America.
Our successful and strategic partnerships allow us to have a much greater impact! From improving outreach efforts to enhancing programs and services, there are many ways that our alliances help our organization improve in terms of efficiency, effect and sustainability.
Here are some great examples of what we’ve been able to accomplish with their support!
American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF) and St. Stephen’s Charitable Fund
ANF is Nicaragua’s leading relief and development organization working to alleviate poverty for the betterment of vulnerable communities in Nicaragua.
The St. Stephen’s Charitable Fund’s mission is to support projects in developing countries, as well as in the United States, for the care of dependent children and seniors in need through ANF.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• Ten organic gardens per year will be created for people with diabetes in the next two years to support our Healthy Eating Initiative.
• A motorcycle was donated to help with the organic garden follow-ups.
• Support of our Padrino Program is being provided.
• Construction of community area and offices has begun.
• Medicines and tests for glucose were donated for the Diabetes Club.
Terre des Hommes Italia/Tierra de Hombres Italia
The Terre des Hommes International Federation is a network of 10 organizations working for the rights of children to promote equitable development without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• We’ve implemented programs and technical training courses, adapted for vulnerable populations affected by the socioeconomic crisis since 2019.
We’re training families to create organic gardens. We started 75 family organic gardens in 2019 and another 75 organic gardens in 2020. To start these gardens, we provided supplies, materials, educational materials, technical financing and more.
Latter-day Saint Charities is an arm of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint’s humanitarian efforts to relieve suffering for families of all nationalities and religions. It offers hope for the potential of a better life for millions of people around the world.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• We installed a new, much-needed septic tank.
• We repaired the Clinic’s roof.
• Free medicines and medical supplies for one year were donated to people who cannot afford it.
Fundación Padre Fabretto
Fundación Padre Fabretto’s mission is to empower underserved children and their families in Nicaragua to reach their full potential, improve their livelihoods and take advantage of economic opportunity through education.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• We’re providing MannaPacks for children of the Padrino Program.
• We’re providing water purifiers for families.
Isabel Curry – Santana Surf Team
The Santana Surf Team is a group of local Nicaraguan surfers who work for Rancho Santana and surf Playa Santana daily. The team competes nationally and internationally.
Its mission is to feed those in need, poor people, single moms, older individuals and unemployed families.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• We’re providing food for families of the Padrino Program and other families in extreme poverty.
Hopeseed Foundation
The Hopeseed Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission of providing quality garden seed to the hungry and those in need and teaching good gardening practices with the goal of finding a more sustainable solution to world hunger.
Projects With the NicaClinic
• We provided seeds for the organic gardens that have been created by our Healthy Eating Initiative (both previously created gardens and new gardens).
We also work with many local NGOs, like the ones listed below.
The Nicaraguan Education Resource Center (CREA)
• This organization supports children of our Padrino Program who need school reinforcement, learning training and computers.FunLimón –
Fundación Para la Educación Técnica y Vocacional El Limón
• This organization supports college students in their education and supports students taking computer courses or pursuing other technical professions.
OM Foundation
• The OM Foundation supports children with physical disabilities so they can receive medical attention and medicines at the Clinic.
Los Pipitos Nicaragua
• Los Pipitos Nicaragua supports children with disabilities and special needs to provide them with access to specialized evaluation and treatment.
Nicaraguan University of Humanist Studies
• The Nicaraguan University of Humanist Studies provides nursing students with practices at our Clinic and supports special events, such as health fairs.
Many NGOs do not like to mention their partnerships or link to them in order to not divert their donors’ attention. We do not believe in that, as we are all working together for a common great cause – to try to reverse the devastating effects of poverty. We need each other. We want to highlight and honor our partnerships, not hide them. There is strength in numbers and in our unity.
With the support of these organizations, we are always committed to working around the clock to provide services to our community.
Our innovative programs and projects play a significant role in helping our community. Especially now – in times of crisis and uncertainty – working together is extremely significant.
Everyone in the area is extremely grateful for the endless efforts of our Clinic team.
In order to continue achieving great results, we need also need the support of donors like you – now more than ever – to keep the Clinic staffed and fully supplied. Your generous donation will make a huge impact on the lives of thousands of Nicaraguans suffering today.
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is supported by individual donations. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in Maryland, so all donations are tax-deductible. We accept funds through PayPal, check and credit card. We accept stock donations as well. To donate, click here.
Julia C. Guth
Chair of the Board
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic