The Roberto Clemente Clinic – $150,000 can go far in the second poorest country in the Americas
Limón, Nicaragua: The Roberto Health Clinic is happy to announce plans for expansion in 2013. Total amounts of $145,000 in construction costs and $65,000 for equipment costs are requested from community members and like-minded individuals who want to see this expansion become a reality. Help us with a donation today!
The clinic is currently hosted in a 1,500 sq. ft. facility and strives to improve health outcomes for the surrounding Limon1 community. The clinic staff hopes that future facility expansion will expand community impact even further.
Floor Plans Donated by David Lopez AIA LEED PA
Exciting recent additions make expansion a unique and important possibility this year. For the first time since the clinic opened its doors in 2004, a full medical team is on staff and equipped in terms of manpower and resources to serve the Limon1 community more efficiently than ever.
This makes it possible for the expansion of services to continue in 2013. Also important is the growing number of patients, a number that has quadrupled in recent years. What the clinic now lacks is the physical capacity to treat more patients.
With the help of donors, the clinic hopes to include in the expanded building: rooms for consultation, observation, a sterilized surgery room and an open room for training and meetings. These additions have been estimated at $145,000 for construction costs and $65,000 for equipment costs. The equipment will be partially donated and partially purchased from second hand and refurbished shops.
The clinic provides low cost preventative care, emergency services, dental care and laboratory service to the underserved in the area. Additionally, we build networks by bringing foreign students and medical professionals to Nicaragua and partner with other NGOs locally and internationally.
For more information, please call Juan Muñoz at 410-369-0512.
To make a donation, visit this link today!