Dear Friend of the NicaClinic,
Please join us for a unique, thought-provoking and rewarding adventure!
This coming January 23-28, 2020, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic will be hosting a Wellness Weekend trip to beautiful Tola, Nicaragua.
This is an exclusive “travel with purpose” opportunity to explore challenges and opportunities facing this region. While mingling with heartwarming families against a backdrop of stunning landscapes, you’ll learn about how we are supporting impoverished communities and what they want for their futures. You’ll hear directly from our Clinic team and community representatives… all while enjoying a rich, biodiverse, gorgeous environment.
The Clinic is visited yearly by many volunteers and practitioners to help Nicaraguans face their mounting health, education and economic challenges. Under the leadership of the Clinic’s Advisory Council and Board of Directors, this trip is designed to bring people of diverse professional backgrounds together to learn firsthand about the NicaClinic’s expanding holistic wellness programs and our experience in building community resiliency.
On this once-in-a-lifetime trip, you’ll…
• PARTICIPATE in Clinic and outreach programs, which includes our annual Community Health Fair on January 25.
• ENJOY stunning beaches, with plenty of recreational activities and places to dine… among verdant green hills and agricultural landscapes.
• ENJOY nice accommodations, delicious meals and receptions, Clinic volunteering and outreach activities, and special events at the nearby top-rated Rancho Santana Resort. We are located in one of the safer regions of Central America, with a nearby airport and tourist accommodations.
• Hear presentations by a renowned celebrity chef, Sam Talbot, on cooking healthy using local ingredients.
• PARTICIPATE in a group yoga or spa activity, with additional presentations by fitness experts, diabetes experts, preventative care professionals, agricultural experts and tourism development experts.
• MEET with top global development experts from around the world.
The trip fee includes a much-needed tax-deductible donation to the Clinic to support its critical wellness programs and to help upgrade Clinic facilities and train personnel.
No matter who you are, from any place on Earth, it’s difficult to bear life without good health and wellness. We thrive when we take steps toward our own well-being. We get stronger so we can help others in need. And what better way to do it than by traveling to a beautiful place and supporting a great cause at the same time?
We’ve designed our Wellness Weekend 2020 to be pleasurable, educational and meaningful. Adding additional color to your journey is our local Clinic team – who you will get a chance to meet and who will help you connect personally with our nonprofit organization and the Nicaraguan culture.
On this trip, you’ll meet…
Julia Guth, Chair of the Board and Founder of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic, CEO and Executive Publisher of The Oxford Club
Julia Guth has been the CEO and Executive Publisher of The Oxford Club for more than 25 years.
Julia is the founder of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic. Launched in 2004, the Clinic was created for the people of rural communities who do not have local healthcare facilities and cannot afford treatments that are offered in larger cities.
Julia graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a B.A. in Latin American studies and holds an MBA from Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management in Phoenix, Arizona.
Daniel Puls, Chairman of the Advisory Council, President and CEO of PASS
Daniel Puls has devoted more than 25 years to maximizing the impact of philanthropy on the global stage. He is currently the president and CEO of PASS, a humanitarian, strategy and public policy consulting agency based in Alexandria, Virginia. Since PASS’ founding in 2004, Daniel Puls has led its growth in size, influence and relevance.
Mr. Puls serves as chairman of the Advisory Council of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic and has served on national and international boards, including for the Society of International Business Fellows, the Reserva Del Mar Foundation and the Rural Development Foundation.
Dr. José Mosquera, Clinic Executive Director and CEO
Dr. Mosquera has more than 30 years of experience in medicine and general surgery in both the for-profit sector and the nonprofit sector.
Dr. Mosquera received his medical degree in medicine and surgery from the Central University of Ecuador. Before moving to the United States 14 years ago for his family and to be closer to the National Institutes of Health for diabetes research, Dr. Mosquera was a monumental force in his home country of Ecuador. He set up the two largest nonprofit networks in the country – one for the research and treatment of diabetes and the other for the treatment parasites, particularly in children.
Special Guest Celebrity Chef Sam Talbot
Diagnosed at a young age with Type 1 Diabetes, Chef Sam Talbot lives every hour with a deep understanding of the impact of food on life and life on food. Talbot was a semifinalist on season two of Top Chef in Los Angeles, where he was voted “Fan Favorite.”
He is the founding executive chef of The Surf Lodge in Montauk, New York. In 2015, Sam launched Beyond Type 1, a nonprofit organization focusing on inspiring the diabetic community, with partners Nick Jonas, Sarah Lucas and Juliet de Baubigny.
James Lanning, Board Member, International Development and Relief Professional
James Lanning is a senior global acquisitions and logistics professional with more than 20 years of experience in the international development and relief sector. He is currently the executive director of HELP International.
He is widely recognized as a leader in the development of disaster preparedness, evaluation and coordination protocols. Jim serves as a committed and enthusiastic member of the Board of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic.
Dr. Hazel del Carmen Ruiz Villarreal, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic Medical Director, Founder of the Clinic’s Diabetes Club
Dr. Hazel del Carmen Ruiz Villarreal graduated from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua, in 2013.
She has worked at the Clinic since September 2014 and has been in charge of the medical staff since 2015. She was favored by the Clinic with a grant for the Diploma in Diabetes, a longtime goal. Subsequently, she executed the Diabetes Club project, which currently benefits 170 patients in four health posts in the area in order to prevent new diagnoses and complications from this awful disease.
Gustavo Ibarra, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic General Manager
Gustavo Ibarra is the general manager of The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic and a pharmaceutical chemist, with preparation in business and resource management and an emphasis on human talent. Gustavo is a local fitness guru and a gym owner.
Gustavo has been working at the Clinic for 12 years. He manages all the activities carried out at the Clinic, the different projects and programs that benefit nearby communities, and the different agreements and alliances that are formed to strengthen ties with other organizations in the area.
Other Advisory Council members, experts and special guests invited to this event (not all confirmed):
• Fred Mandell, pediatrician and Roberto Clemente Health Clinic volunteer and Roberto Clemente Health Clinic Advisory Council member
• Hernando Garzon, emergency physician at Kaiser Permanente, volunteer medical doctor and Roberto Clemente Health Clinic Advisory Council member
• Chip Duncan, American filmmaker, author and photographer; president of the production company Duncan Entertainment Group Inc.; and Roberto Clemente Health Clinic Advisory Council member
• Chris Currey, executive vice president of development and sales at Rancho Santana
• Isabel Currey, sponsor of the Rancho Santana Surf Team and longtime supporter of our NicaClinic programs and projects
• And many more special guests, including directors from other nonprofits in the area who sponsor English language classes, sports youth leagues, libraries, computer training and more.
Superior Seaside Accommodations on the Pacific Coast at Rancho Santana
Rancho Santana is a world-class resort and residential community located on Nicaragua’s pristine Emerald Coast. “The Ranch” boasts 2,700 acres of rolling hills, five unique beaches, a variety of dining options and a myriad of activities from adventure sports to spa treatments.
Fronted by the Pacific Ocean with an unspoiled dry forest landscape, Rancho Santana delivers world-class accommodations with authentic Nicaraguan hospitality.
Special Offer: Book your trip by November 15, 2019,
and receive a $250 early bird discount.
For more details and booking information, please contact Lorena Cernadas at 410.369.0512 or [email protected], or Dahlia Dadgar at [email protected].
For a PDF version of your Wellness Weekend 2020 Invitation, please click here
I look forward to joining you this winter in Nicaragua!
Julia C. Guth
Clinic Founder and Board Chair
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic
[email protected]