Dear Friend of the NicaClinic,
I’m excited to bring you a very special guest today. She comes to us on site in Nicaragua with her own holiday message to you.
Rockstar, long-time clinic medical director, Dr. Hazel Ruiz, is normally camera shy. And she is normally too busy with patients and her team (who collectively work 24/7), to be on social media.
But given the crucial circumstances facing the Clinic today, she urgently wanted to share her top “wish list” items. These items are needed now to support those in the community with little to no access to health care.
Dr. Ruiz and her team are dedicated to serving impoverished families and those with special needs, with diabetes and heart and lung conditions, in medical crisis, and those needing prenatal care. She’s been with us as a caring and talented director for a decade now. We are so lucky to have her as a leader in this community.
In this giving season, please spend just a couple of minutes listening to her heart-felt message. The Clinic needs to move forward, for the health and safety and benefit of all the families in this Southwestern region of Nicaragua.
Your donation is tax deductible, as we are a 501c3 registered in Maryland.
Thank you for your attention, caring, and support.
Happy, healthy holidays to you,
Julia Guth
Chair, The Roberto Clemente- Santa Ana Health Clinic