Dear Friend of the Clinic,
Today is Giving Tuesday, a powerful day of giving, raising funds and generating awareness for nonprofits that need your support. It’s a day of giving back after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
By supporting our nonprofit, The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic, you could have a huge impact on the lives of thousands of Nicaraguans truly struggling today.
The infinite efforts of our Clinic team will continue despite the current crisis. The families of this impoverished country need healthcare, clean water, food, jobs and much more. The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis are bearing down hard on Nicaragua in tragic ways. It is now more than ever that we need the support of our donors to strengthen our Community Outreach Program and reach more isolated communities.
In this giving season, please consider making The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic one of your supported charities.
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.
You can have a positive impact on many Nicaraguan families immediately.
With your help, we’ll be able to support and expand our efforts to make Nicaragua a healthier, safer place for young people, helping them grow up with hope for a better future. We have proven that we make focused, professional, efficient and positive changes in this region.
Thank you for your time. May your holidays be filled with peace, joy and happiness.
Please make a donation today by clicking here.
Julia C. Guth
Chair of the Board
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic