Update on Our Clinic Community
Dear Friend of the Clinic,
Now more than ever, we are working together and maintaining a fluid communication with local and international organizations and businesses in the area, especially our friends at Rancho Santana due to their close proximity to the Clinic and their constant support.
Rancho Santana is open and operating as normal – as is the Clinic. We have established a safety plan that guarantees the care of the Tola community and the safety of our staff.
Our service and activities at the Clinic have continued as normal, with some shortages in medicines and gas for transportation.
Despite the inconveniences related to logistics and travel to the Clinic, our staff members have spared no effort in arriving each day and giving their best as always. The area where the Clinic is located and where we offer our services consists of 35 communities. Maintaining our 24/7 service is imperative – especially during emergencies. The effort and commitment of our staff is invaluable.
We are very proud of our team and its efforts during these difficult times.
We are grateful for your continuous support, especially now. The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic is supported by individual donations. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in Maryland, so all donations are tax-deductible. We accept funds through PayPal, where you can also donate with your credit card. You can also mail a check. We accept stock donations as well. To donate, click here.
Julia C. Guth
Chair of the Board
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic
P.S. Great news! We are thrilled to announce that the Clinic received the prestigious 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit Award given by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations.