Hola Amigos de la Clínica,
The Clinic has been extremely busy since our last communication!
Accidents and illness and prevention outreach are bringing people to the clinic in record numbers.
They are taking advantage of the services and supplies that you, our generous donors are providing.
And even though Dr. Flores, Senior Nurse Martita, and full-time Nurse Oliver are there to assist the critical cases seven days per week, too often we still have to send these patients to Rivas Hospital due to lack of equipment needed to adequately care for them. With your continued support, we can remedy this situation.
The Real Impact Of Your Donation
We are already making tremendous progress. After many years, I am pleased to report that with your assistance and the help of some significant contributors; we were able to cross off the “Ambulance” from our Wish List – Yea!
Now local residents of this remote area will have the chance to call for an ambulance when they are in critical condition – something that we take for granted here in the USA when we call 911.
Even in times of economic difficulty, you opened your hearts and added your enthusiasm to make this project a reality. Please click here to continue to help us get more needed equipment.
Whether your donation is $100 or $1,000, physical supplies or your time, we want you to know that you are truly appreciated, and hope that the following video gives you an ever stronger sense of pride for your generosity. Imagine how much more we could do if there were more people like you!
Each year in January, we hold our annual Board Meeting and Community Party/Educational Afternoon. This year, due to the kindness of the Orioles Advocates Foundation, Rancho Santana and the owner of the lot next to the Clinic, we were able to build a temporary field and host a baseball game for the kids!
We hope that you will consider donating at the same level as last year, and it couldn’t be easier to give to the Clinic via PayPal.
We are also pleased to share the latest report summarizing our development, accomplishments and the needs of the clinic for 2010. You can download the report right now on the Clinic’s website.
We would never have been able to accomplish as much as we have without the continued support from generous donors like you. We are cautious and conscious of every single dollar that we invest, and welcome your comments or suggestions regarding our future projects.
The people of Tola, Rivas Nicaragua count on your generosity, and we hope you’ll continue to support us. Please click here to make your donation.
Thank you again for being part our team. We do the job but it’s your investment that is making a significant impact on one impoverished community every day.
Best regards,
Juan Muñoz
Executive Director
The Roberto Clemente Health Clinic.
© THE ROBERTO CLEMENTE HEALTH CLINIC — a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
105 West Monument Street, Baltimore MD 21201
USA Telephone : 410-223-2630
Nicaragua Telephone: 011-505-8877413 (Spanish only)