Dear Julio, I wanted to thank you for all your help in getting our Surfer’s Medical Association group to help out a little bit at the clinic as well as adding a few supplies to the pharmacy. I am very impressed with the clinic set up and the superb organization of the staff and materials. Gregg MacDonald is exceptional, not only as an ambassador for the organization, but a conscientious organizer as well. Dr. Julio Flores is a very versatile professional, who works well with patients and the staff. Having worked throughout Mexico, other Central American countries and numerous clinics in Indonesia and Pacific Rim Islands in many clinics, I was very impressed with the cleanliness with the clinic, the positive attitude of the staff and the quality of service to the patients. The SMA is planning another conference/clinic next year and I will keep you apprised of the dates. I will also act as a 'clearing house' for other SMA docs who may be headed your way. Many thanks again. En servicio,
Dr. Bill Jones