Not only is the Roberto Clemente clinic a nonprofit healthcare facility that provides optimum primary care to 27 impoverished communities in Nicaragua, it is also a place that cares for the individuals who have dedicated their time and effort to the Tola community through their work at the clinic.
Martina Obando the Custodial Manager, has been working at the Roberto Clemente Clinic since 2006. Martina takes pride in her work and recently expressed, “I am the one in charge of always having the clinic looking nice and clean”. As a resident of the Virgen Morena Community, a 30 minute bus ride away from the clinic, Martina lives with her large family including her brothers, her mother, and her four children. Every morning she wakes up at 4:00 a.m. to prepare her family and herself for their day. She is at the clinic from six in the morning until about four in the afternoon.
About five years ago, Martina set out to realize what would be her biggest life accomplishment, the dream of becoming a homeowner. To make this dream a reality she took out a loan to buy the materials necessary to build her house. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, Martina was not able to complete the construction of her home; a situation that forced her into having to rent.
The images below show what is left from the construction that would change Martina’s family life forever. The structure and materials serve as a constant reminder to Martina of an unfulfilled dream of having a place for her and her children to call home.
Living in poor conditions can have devastating consequences on one’s physical and mental health. At the Roberto Clemente Clinic, we firmly believe that everyone’s health should be at an optimal level, and this belief extends to even our own clinic workers and family. To help Martina, the clinic has devised a series of planning phases so that Martina may be able to optimize her health and life.
It is our goal to have Martina in an acceptable living situation as soon as possible. That is why we have hired the help of a local architect, he will create a budget and architectural plans to construct Martina’s new home. The clinic will also ensure that the property has the necessary permits to break ground. It is during this phase that we will develop a step by step plan to ensure that we raise enough money to fund the project and have the necessary volunteers to help construct the home.
Here Saving Only Allow Her to build 1/2 of 4 walls
Very Little Materials Available
Using the donations provided by generous individuals, we will be able to purchase the needed materials and hire a contractor to lead the project. It is during this phase that we will lay the foundation for Martina’s home. The contract will start initial construction such as framing and building the walls and roof.
Once the initial structure is in place, the team at the Roberto Clemente clinic will take turns and use their free days to work at the project site to assist the hired contractor. Likewise, volunteers from the United States will be able to work at the site during their stay at the clinic. With this help, the various helpers will be able to work on installing the interior, including installing essentials and general work.
It is during this phase that the housing project will be nearing completion. The clinic team will provide additional support if necessary to help finish the project so that Martina may move into her new home. We still working to find the funds for this project and to finish her kitchen and bathroom. Currently she uses the neighbor letrine.