My name is Kimber Izayana, I am seven years old and I am currently studying in second grade. When I grow up, I would like to be a teacher at a school in Rivas. I live with my parents, my sisters and my grandma. I live close to the clinic and would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor for my program.
My name is Yeni Pamela, I am five years old, I go to pre-school and when I grow up, I would like to be a teacher close to my house so I can visit my mother. Currently, I live with my mother, my father and two siblings in the same room and my grandmother takes care of me because my parents work. I live close to the clinic and would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor.
Hola, My name is Leyjani Tatiana, and I am 5 years old. I am in third level of pre-school. When I grow up, I would like to work with animals and take care of them. I also would like to take care of my mother and help her. I live in Limon 2 and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Hello – Hola, My name is Sheydell, I am five years old and I am in second level of pre-school. When I grow up, I would like to travel around the world. I also would like to work in a restaurant. I live in Limon 2 and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health. My mother does not have any help. My father is not at home.
My name is Marco Antonio, I am seven years old and I am in first grade. I live close to the Roberto Clemente Clinic and when I grow up, I would like to be a teacher. I live with my mother, my stepfather and a younger brother. I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health. I have been at the clinic and they treat me well and take care of me when I do not feel bad.
My name is Edeytor Antonio Mendoza Chamorro, I am seven years old, I am currently in third grade of elementary. When I grow up, I would like to build houses and build my own house. I live with my father and two siblings. I live in Salinas and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Hello, my name is Stacy Patricia I am six years old. I am currently in first grade of elementary. When I grow up, I would like to be a teacher, so I can buy a house and live with my mother better. I live with two siblings. I live in Salinas and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Good day, my name is William Jose, and I am six years old. I am in sixth grade and I would like to be a baseball player when I grow up. I live my aunt, in her house my mother, sister and a cousin. I am glad they let us stay here. I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Buenos dias, my name is Greychel Alejandra Peña Bustos, I am six years old and I am in sixth grade of elementary school. When I finish my school I would like to be a teacher. I also want to help to build a house for my mother and I and paint it blue. I live with my mother and brother only. I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Hello, I am Fabio Antonio and I am 10 years old. I am currently in fifth grade. When I grow up, I would like to be a doctor. Doctors are good to cure all type of sickness and I want to take care of my mother and sister if they get sick. I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Hola my name is Yodi David, I am five years old. I am in first grade of elementary school. I would like to be a teacher and teach mathematics. I like numbers. I live with my mother only and three sisters.
Hello, my name is Naomi Valeria, I am 10 years old. I live close to the school in Limon2 and I would like to study to be doctor. If the clinic can give me a job, I would like to be there. I am in fifth grade at school and I live with my mother and sister. My mother is alone and I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.
Hello, soy Juan de Dios, and I am 10 years old. I am in sixth grade. I would like to be a nurse to help my family and my friends. I live with my sister and some family members. I live close to the clinic and I would like that the clinic help me to find a Sponsor to support my school and my health.